Pennsylvania Real Estate Blog

Can You Sell Your House with Unpermitted Changes?
Often, homeowners make changes and upgrades to their home without securing permit. In some cases, permits are not required, but in many cases they are. When you attempt to sell your home, investigations by the buyer’s real estate agent, inspector…

Seven Small Home Benefits
You bought a starter home that gave you entre into the world of home ownership, but now, your requirements have changed … you’ve added a spouse or children, you’ve moved your office home, or you’ve started a hobby that requires…

Preparing Your Home for Winter
With November just around the corner, winter weather is on its way. Now is the time to get the jump on cold weather and winterize your home. Whether you are selling your home or you are a new homeowner, it…

Should I Buy or Sell on Contingency?
While your home is on the market, and you find your dream home (or at least the perfect “next” home), it is tempting to place an offer on the new place to hold it until your home sells. Unless you…

Ideas for Dry-Scaping
You’ve decided to make your new home as ecologically sustainable as possible. You’ve changed out the toilets for low-flow versions and added insulation, installed bamboo flooring, energy-efficient windows and natural gas appliances. Now, it’s time to tackle the yard. Before…

Elections Affect Homeowners
One of the very first discussions the Founding Fathers had was about how to balance the rights of all individuals with the rights of those who owned property. They knew that if only property owners could vote, the rights of…